Bulging, large, child-like, wondering eyes peered out from behind the disheveled, uncleanly figure in torn, over-sized clothing, that sat passively on the stool, in the corner of the ice cream shop. Our order had been completed and we walked around looking for a place...
What Is Real Anyway?
I have had a nagging thought lately, not in an unpleasant way, but more as of a persistent matter that I’m compelled to write about. It has popped out while I’ve contemplated people’s shares on social media. It has crept in when I have contemplated...
Celebra la Vida
Hallows Eve 2017 finally rolled round, but earlier on in October another preparation was taking place. It started with a Facebook post soliciting interest in this year’s Detroit Institute of the Arts: La Ofrenda exhibit. La Ofrenda means “the...