We all have Healing Power. Roman Vaynshtok is the founder of the Peace and Balance Reiki Center. He called his company Peace and Balance because we need Inner Peace and balance between our public and private lives to be healthy. During his over 30 years of working as a Special Ed. The teacher, learned many modalities to help his students. For 16 years, he has volunteered at Hospice providing services to patients and staff and teaching classes. He uses Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Brain Gym, EFT, and other healing modalities in his practice. As a formal educator, Roman likes to teach and share his knowledge. He writes monthly blog posts and newsletters, conducts distance Reiki sessions, and provides mentorship training. Roman strongly believes that our body has an inner wisdom that can guide us to healing. Balance and harmony between our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies is the first step to recovery.
Lily Li
Master Light Language Activator