Perhaps, the flying colors everywhere gave it away. Perhaps, it was the visible waves in the sounds all around. Perhaps, it was the deep rich beauty of Life Energy that dripped tears of Joy with its recognition bursting from the chest. Perhaps, it was that feeling of Being much more than occupied in this body. The pure Expansion of Consciousness happening must have had something to do with it.

Now, upon reading that first paragraph, many would be inclined to presume, “What’s she smoking?” or the handiwork of LSD or some other hallucinogenics. However, it is not so in this reference. The psychotropic drug reference could be related to “a once upon lifetimes ago”, but in this case it’s the pure high on Life syndrome, handy and at work!
Weeks ago, already, we had taken a trip to Devil’s Lake, WI. The experiences spun into a soaring “high” for many weeks after. That’s just how much Life Energy was experienced and absorbed on that one weekend. Its inspiration kept poking at every opportunity to fully express itself. That was quite persistent considering every day there are infinite opportunities.

The weeks to follow became filled with all kinds of preparation and plans for the work of PureEsperanza, an upcoming workshop, and a work trip/adventure. Lots of energy gave way to day to day communications, organizing, and the unfolding momentum of what was presenting itself. Yet, there were still these “pokes” and the moments in the days seemed to not accommodate time to sit and write about the inspiration of a pyschedelic Life.
Looking back, there is often more understanding in the culmination that takes place like an abundant harvest that has been gathered, a cornucopia of sorts. It was so, is so, in the case of this inspiration. It trickled. It flooded in. Swim! Float and swim some more. It was a monsoon and a steady, gentle pouring rain that kept flowing. Fortunately, water and color are dear friends and while mostly unafraid, I was feeling the immersion to be quite psychedelic and ALIVE!

We all have profound experiences that make us feel like we suddenly come alive! They are usually memorable and fleeting, but what if Life suddenly opened-up and the experience of Life itself expanded out to these brilliant bursting, dynamic, water-colored and infused blends of Life Energy swarming all around? What if they nourished and healed you? What if they animated subtle nuances and bled into the experience of what you perceived of other life forms and situations all around? What if you began to see that together all this psychedelia was fused in One Spirit moving through all? What if you discovered that you have a powerful paintbrush that could swirl around all the colors and create beauty, a wondrous wand you could wave and create dimensional realities, a magic flute that when played sang and drifted upon the air to create Life energy into form?

Oh, I know that for many it’s all too fantastical! Many will be much more careful and inclined to rely on their conditioned, structured concepts of what reality is. That’s ok and it does not change that the psychedelic Life exists and lives wildly real in our imagination, at the front line and “leading-edge”, as some say; and that science is catching up, little by little, scratching the surface of the expansiveness of our minds. Consciousness and our Being are still further down the line in science’s exploration. The blending of science and Spirit keeps merging and dipping into the psychedelic Life, our greatest state of Being, our I Am.
Until then, these words of encouragement are for you. Be Bold. Take courage. Be True to the ReAL yOU, that only You can authenticate. Keep playing with all the colors. Create with the Love of your Being and then Go On and create some more. Trust in your creative process spurred by the understanding of your impulses, intuition, and that are your soul’s inspirations. Proclaim your Freedom. Be Free to Imagine Beyond any and all limits. Dip into all the psychedelic colors of living Life creatively flowing from one moment to another. Be Present to the Consciousness you are experiencing. Embrace that which is given to you and allow the creative moment to guide you.
I leave you with this as I fix my gaze out upon the zillions of sparkling ripples of water, glistening, Life Energy flowing and lighting up the heavens, as a white seagull pauses, effortlessly, in mid-air upon a wind current, at my front window, at eye level view, emphasizing every bit of living the psychedelic Life, as I “feel” into the experience of it all. Rest, my friends. Rest into an Inner Knowing, your Wisdom, Life, the Universe, God, All One has You, right now. Let the weight be released. Go easy and ease more and more into this Knowing. Life is not a struggle. This is the surrender. This is the expansion of your Being and in It the psychedelic Life is revealed.