Inner Knowingness – Your Capacity to Discern Truth

Written by: Christine Freeland

August 28, 2024


We begin to see the changes as the season now shifts. Have you noted the changes occurring within and how it too affects all around you on the outside? So many have spoken of and are speaking of this particular time in our human evolution. We may find deep resonation with what feels like trust in our own Inner Wisdom, a certain kind of knowingness in which we are the creators of our Life. Yet, we may still be feeling the affects of old paradigms and belief systems that inhibit and prohibit us from freely creating our lives. More connection to the Stilllness will help us integrate and this month our dear friend and PureEsperanza global community collaborator, Christine Freeland, opens a door for us to step into to find none other than our Self. With reflections, insights, questions for ourselves, and more possibilities Christine sets the mood and tone for the upcoming equinox.

Inside of us is a connection to “all there is” and we create on the outside from our inside.

Old control/leadership paradigms sometimes feel uncomfortable because they don’t fit anymore with what humanity and all life on our changing planet needs. 

The door is open.

You can walk through it with your heart (body and soul), choosing the feelings you wish to feel.

Connect to the Stillness. Practice. Embody. Repeat.

No past, no future, only present, because Past, Present, Future are all one and the same, simultaneously.

This is the great womb of creation that we tap into (you too, men).

We create from our feelings, emotions, intentions.  Truth comes from our inner wisdom of heart, body, and soul.

It need not feel like fear.

It may feel like love.

Becoming aware of our inner thoughts and feelings helps to end the modern lifestyle of learned busyness behaviors and distractions.

And return to our hearts. The heart wisdom which informs the mind on creating conditions for you and all life to flourish.

It is your birthright to be more of All You Are. We are all more. Individually and together.

Much more, to uplift yourself, and from there – Others.

Then our World.

Then all Life.

Where do you place your powerful heart intention?

What do you choose to create?

What do you choose to feel?

Combine it all together in Stillness. In Stillness we connect to our Spirit.

Souls, Spirits, Hearts, whatever you want to call it. The Now.  All of the above.

What decisions do you choose to make based on your inner wisdom and power?

What do you choose to create for the good of the whole? A whole you, whole humanity, whole earth, whole universe?

Yes, the time of the lone wolf is over. We are what we need.Together.

As we connect with ourselves, our inner truth, our light, love, compassion we co-create the world we want to live in.

You have heard this before.

Because it is a truth.  

Can you feel it resonating in your heart?

Creating a world of abundance, care, nourishment, nurturing, support.

Each one of us has a different role that fits into the puzzle of life.  This diversity is key.

Diversity in everything – thoughts, cultures, genders, religions, spirituality, experiences, opinions, ecosystems, and our “other than human” kin.

Freedom to Be who you Are.

Look at any ecosystem and notice how the more diverse it is, the more insects, types of trees, plants, mushrooms, birds, mammals, water, ice, snow………..the more diverse the more resilient when the outer environment changes.

Everything always changes and evolves or transmutes into something new or different.   Stagnation means death.  Diversity of life and celebration of this creates the conditions for more life.

The magic lies in all of us coming together in peace and harmony, to create something different. Something that speaks to all of us. Individually and together.

  • Something that gives all of us a purpose. Individually and together.
  • Something that supports all life. Individually and together.
  • Something that makes us feel significant and important. Individually and together.
  • Something that allows us to care for each other. Lift up everyone. Individually and together.

How can we do this?

When fear arises, observe the feeling, acknowledge it, and let it go. 

Perhaps replace it with its opposite.

What you create from fear, judgment, or hate feels much different than what you create from compassion, openness and love. The wonderful thing is, you can choose.

Imagine a world where all life is sacred – All beings on the planet are nurtured.

What an amazing world!

Create it now – inside first and then watch the synchronicities that show your path forward.

No pressure.

Just Being

So, the next time anything outside yourself tells you what you “need”:


Seek Stillness.

Be in nature if you can – or just outside.

Practice Being in your heart.

Feel the light and love that is always there.

Then make your powerful intention one of connection.

See what happens – follow your inner knowing.

You don’t need anything else.

YOU can choose who you wish to be.

Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!  You are a Creator.  We all are. Equally.

Individually and together.

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