God Wants To Heal The Hole In Your Soul

Written by: Esperanza

PureEsperanza, NFP is dedicated to bringing forth more Consciousness while educating our body, mind and soul in the art of well-being.

January 30, 2020


Inspiration has been a founding and central theme for creating our non profit organization, PureEsperanza, its center, El Hogar, envisioning and developing our services and programs. Building diverse community with holistic perspectives has also been key. This month, we connect with our guest writer Deron Essex, of Grounded Flight, and his inspiring work that is grounded in empowering others. PureEsperanza holds secular views. We embrace infinite expressions for the word given to name the “One Presence” and Its creative power. With that said, we share Deron’s story and writing, the hope that arises out of healing trauma, and finding purpose in Life.

“I found this song called “Deliver Me” by Donald Lawrence ft Le’Andria Johnson” In the beginning of the song Donald said, “Sometimes our souls have holes in it due to things that have happened in the past; hurt, abuse, molestation, divorce, but we want to speak to you today and tell you that God wants to heal the hole in your soul. Some people’s actions are not because their spirit is wrong, but it’s because the past has left a hole in their soul.”

As I heard those lyrics, I knew they were true.

There is an old adage that says “If you don’t heal what hurt you, you will bleed on those who didn’t cut you.”

This is important in understanding if you want to live a life of inner peace, balance, and harmony in your relationships and finances.

I remember a time in my life, 3 years ago, when I was holding onto a lot of unhealed and unprocessed issues, relationships and wounds from the past, and scarcity and limiting beliefs from my upbringing. I was in a constant state of anxiety, worry, and fear about the future.

I was attracting toxic people into my life. I wasn’t living in alignment with my true self. I was in this constant state of anger and found myself in drama-filled situations over and over again.

I was living on a never-ending rollercoaster of negative emotions and stress. I felt as lost as a ship with no compass out in the middle of the sea, at the mercy of any wind or sea current.

All of this internal pressure built up. I had a mental breakdown. But in my lowest and darkest moment I received a glimpse of the light.

A voice appeared in my head, a voice not of my own; a lighter, more loving and confident voice. It told me to get up and heal myself.

Instantly I felt this new sense of resolve. I immediately started to reach out to past coaches and companions, the kind of people who were also into healing themselves. I then began taking the action steps they taught me, and doing my own research .

As I was healing myself, I knew God wanted me to heal the holes in my soul from my past: seeing people die in front of me, abandonment issues, trust issues from babysitters taking advantage of me; relationship traumas.

About 3 months went by, people in my college started to notice a difference. I had more positive energy in their presence. A lot of people felt a sense of calm and peace just being in my presence.

I felt a change. My mind was calmer, I was more confident in my future and happier and joyous in my present state awareness. My relationship with myself healed. I started loving myself more and regained that childlike zest and buoyancy to my life.

This was where I realized healing myself and reprogramming my mind was the most freeing thing that I could ever do. Not only did it free me from my past demons and the limiting beliefs that I set for myself, but it also gave other people around me permission to let their innermost light shine; when society tells them to forget about their light. 

By me healing and reprogramming myself, my vision and my purpose in my life got crystal clear, because I didn’t have the distortions of society holding me down.

We hear these distortions of the truth al’ the time. “You can’t change the past” or that “you just have to deal with it”, or that negative thinking “is just how life is.”


I want to tell you that God wants to heal that hole(s) in your soul! God wants you to step into your divine mission on this planet! And you can’t do that without letting go of what is HOLDING DOWN YOUR ANGEL WINGS.

Since that breakdown, over the past 3 years I have had the absolute honor and privilege to serve many individuals: helping them heal from unresolved issues, wounds and traumas from their past and reprogram the negative belief system that society, family and upbringing has imposed on them.

I have helped people all over the world, different races, religions, groups from ages 5-60. From people who were broke to 7 figure entrepreneurs, to high up government officials, real estate owners and college professors, high school students and everywhere in between. AND NOW YOU.

What I have recognized when helping people is that a lot of them have these unresolved issues affecting their life and limiting beliefs sabotaging their pathway to success. I want to help as many people as I can break out of these self-defeating cycles before I pass this lifetime. It is my purpose.”

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