Radically Forgiving

Written by: Esperanza

PureEsperanza, NFP is dedicated to bringing forth more Consciousness while educating our body, mind and soul in the art of well-being.

June 28, 2024


What piece of your experience carries pain? What memories hold an emotional charge for you long after the incident has occurred? These experiences leave energetic imprints that reside in our body’s energetic field and are the cause of many negative effects on our well-being. What if you could dissipate their emotional charge and even reclaim that energy for your positive well-being? What if you could be free from the weight you carry from those painful experiences? What if peace and inner happiness could replace it? This month we focus on forgiveness, healing, and Global Forgiveness Day on July 7th. See more in our events. It is our PureEsperanza hope that we all continue to heal ourselves with education and consciousness expansion.

The heaviness of ambiguous weight that pulls you down, fogs up clear thinking, marks and disrupts neural pathways making repetitive behavior patterns. Aches that cannot necessarily be pinpointed to a muscle or joint. In time, if left unattended unresolved hurt, pain, trauma creeps into the physical system along with its ailing symptoms. Strong emotions left unattended can wreak havoc to our entire systems and leak vast amounts of our precious energy. Many remnants of unresolved issues lie in our healing through forgiveness.

There has been much work and effective therapies applied with activating forgiveness. From psychological to physical well-being, around the globe, there is now greater awareness of the relationships between the state of forgiveness and our whole well-being. Studies and cited articles here can provide more insights. Likewise, our individual and personal well-being is equally important to the healing of humanity’s ills. Can forgiveness play a key role?

For the individual experience, interpersonal hurts, pain, and trauma can have long lasting impact with wide range problems in psychological functioning reflected in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The results from forgiveness-based interventions in systematic reviews and meta-analysis indicate effective reduction in depression, anxiety, anger, and other leading mental health issues claiming much of the world’s population and also seen more prevalent in today’s youth.

The establishment of worldwide organizations, such as International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership (IIRFL), one of many with over 25 years ago, marked global consciousness to empower individuals and go beyond to reach into communities in a transformational healing experience. Forgiveness has been recognized as a powerful and positive healing component for our collective consciousness and continues to grow. Adding to the momentum is Global Forgiveness Day, on July 7th. Have you considered taking a few moments on this day, every day,, any day, to forgive all levels of something that no longer serves you and are wishing to let go?

Beyond the individual and collective healing, forgiveness has also been noted to transcend timelines affecting quantum consciousness awareness. Historic and generational forgiveness of the vast transgressions and afflictions of humanity are part of many healing journeys. In this same way, planetary healing is invoked through forgiveness. We rewrite and create new maps for navigating our existence and a New Earth. In a conscious effort to infuse positive change and well-being in our lives, the whole collective, past, present, future, Now, why not consider radically forgiving everything/person, place, condition, and especially ourselves for all that has unconsciously or consciously hurt us? The question is not what do we have to lose, but what do we have to gain?

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